Comments on: How I Met And Lost The Perfect Guy in 48 Hours Adventure Travel for Kickass Chicks Wed, 12 Apr 2023 14:47:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lynn julie Fri, 24 Jul 2020 15:20:33 +0000 Oh gosh, love this story! So touching and honest! In the end, I think life and emotions, life and falling in love cannot and should not be separated from each other!

Keep up the great work, Lynn Julie

By: Reka Fialowski Thu, 27 Jun 2019 22:28:41 +0000 I had a 48-hour experience as well..
I booked my first solo trip to London for 3 days, 2 nights. I met this guy at the hostel’s bar (clink78) on a Friday night. He came up to me, and we instantly had a connection. We got tipsy and quickly decided to get away from the crowd, just the 2 of us and explore the magical night in London. We bought a bottle of wine and wandered around for 4-5 hours talking and laughing, getting to know each other’s culture, and world. He had the most gorgeous blue eyes and blonde hair. He was a kid’s rugby coach in South- Africa, and he came with his team to travel around Europe. I thought that was fascinating.
We set next to this little river near King’s Cross station and talked the night away. As we got back to the hostel he invited me to meet him and his group the next day and that we should spend the whole day together. I was so excited and happy to spend the next day with him! He walked me up to my floor and I kissed him. It was the most intense feeling I have ever experienced in my life. I had my fair sare of kisses but this was somehing I have never experiencd before. We were standing and making out for atleast 40 minutes before we could finally go back to our room and we promised eachother we would meet up in the afternoon. I slept in till 12 , and the next day I totally forgot what time we were supposed to meet up…. It was like a train went trough me with dissapointment! I went to the bar at night to see if he was there and there he was waiting in the middle of the bar. I was so embarrassed that I let him down and excited to see him , that I wasn’t making any sense while talking to him. He stayed for 1 hour and left saying he didn’t sleep properly for 4 days. I never asked for his contact cause frankly I was processing that I wasted this opportunity and I will never see him again. He gave me a hug, we gazed for a while and there he went. . one of the biggest regret of my life.

By: ranu Mon, 12 Feb 2018 12:32:39 +0000 Fantastic experience after reading your outstanding blog. My dream is to travel the best and famous place in the world.
And I am really glad I have found your blog. Thanks dear for sharing this awesome and informative article with us.
Keep it up.

By: Alice Teacake Sat, 20 Jan 2018 11:44:28 +0000 In reply to Amy p.

Hi Amy <3 So glad to hear my post has provided support and comfort. And you will most certainly find love again :) Keep on rocking it girl.

By: Amy p Mon, 15 Jan 2018 14:47:07 +0000 I found your post looking for comfort after experiencing just what you’ve described! Thanks for sharing it — even though I can’t say I feel “better” I feel less alone. I am just hoping I don’t have to wait forever for love to find me again……

By: Alice teacake Fri, 06 Jan 2017 16:42:43 +0000 In reply to Maida Haltrecht.

Hi Maida :( LOVE is so DIFFICULT! I believe we actually have a number of soulmates in our life. It’s just about timing…and that timing has to be perfect for the both of you. Thank you for sharing <3

By: Maida Haltrecht Fri, 06 Jan 2017 01:14:34 +0000 I volunteered in Spain for one week teaching English. One of the volunteers who was much older than me took a shining to me and I felt something for him too. However, I had a boyfriend at the time and when this fellow expressed his interest I felt I should be honest and mention my boyfriend. He was disappointed but we still continued to flirt harmlessly and even shared a closed mouth kiss. At the end of the week we parted ways. I had no regrets in telling him the truth but I also felt sad that I had missed out on something and was internally mad at my boyfriend for not enabling me to have anything with this fellow. This fellow and I exchanged a few emails and then he did not respond and I was hurt at first but talked to myself and understood where he was coming from. He obviously did not want to interfere with my relationship. With my boyfriend my anger came out and we were arguing a lot so I told him about the fellow and he understood. It took me a few months to get over this but when I started a job a few months later it distracted me from this situation.

By: Tine Sun, 06 Nov 2016 02:34:47 +0000 In reply to Alice teacake.

I know it was crazy, I never expected to find a guy from the same city while travelling., but yeah it was not ment to be with such different agendas. Thank you sending you positive vibes as well! Thank you for a cool blog. I definitely enjoy reading along :) and I am glad I came across this page :) Happy travels!

By: Alice teacake Thu, 27 Oct 2016 13:52:04 +0000 In reply to Tine.

Hi Tine! Thank you so much for your comment and sharing your experience! The same country and city?! Damn girl. I think this just shows that it’s all about the right time for people. You clearly had different agendas when you met again but I’m sending out positive cupid vibes for your next encounter!

By: Tine Thu, 27 Oct 2016 03:08:44 +0000 Just wrote a comment at one of your other posts when I came across this one. I met a guy like that in South Africa. It was hard saying goodbye, but we had to. But we were both from the same country and even the same city. So when I returned home a few months later we had a date. But it was not the same. We were no longer at the same spot in life. He had just opened his first business and wanted to settle down and I just wanted to travel more before starting uni. I was so confused when it didn’t work out. At first I couldn’t see why, he was so funny, intelligent, sweet and everything I wanted, but I couldn’t understand why it couldn’t work, but I see why today. But still, the time we spent together was fantastic and I will never forget. I hope to find someone similar one day, someone who is easy to talk to and someone who will sweep me away and someone it will work with for longer :)
