Comments on: Day tripping from Yangshou: Xingping Adventure Travel for Kickass Chicks Thu, 13 Jul 2023 09:51:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gabby @ Wed, 29 Jul 2015 07:05:45 +0000 Ah Alice I loved this! It gave me the chuckles and seriously itchy feet at the same time. China is pretty much number 1 of places I’m desperate to visit – and this post is exactly why! I’m in love with that photograph of your bike… how idyllic is that. Cycling through villages against that lush green landscape is the thought that keeps me working towards our big adventure. Will be sharing this right now :).


By: Emily-Ann (grownupgapyear) Wed, 22 Jul 2015 10:09:14 +0000 This looks lovely. I absolutely loved travelling in China but even after two months feel like I barely scratched the surface. Definitely lots to go back for!

By: aliceteacake Wed, 22 Jul 2015 06:06:33 +0000 In reply to Marianne @ Mum on the Move.

I absolutely salute families who travel together! I’m not sure if I could travel with babies on board >< So happy you had a great time in this part of China! Happy travels Marianne <3

By: Marianne @ Mum on the Move Wed, 22 Jul 2015 03:44:36 +0000 Great article – we recently visited Guilin and Yangshuo too. We didn’t make it to XingPing though, other than to pass through it on the boat, but we loved all the other things we did there – especially visiting the Longji Rice Terraces, even with two small kids in tow! Such a beautiful part of the world.
