Comments on: Li River Bamboo Raft Tour: Yangshou China Adventure Travel for Kickass Chicks Thu, 27 Apr 2023 09:32:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alice teacake Sat, 24 Sep 2016 20:57:34 +0000 In reply to Courtney.

I recommend you check out this other post of mine on Xingping to find a better alternative! All the details you need are at the bottom of the post in how to get back to Xingping.

By: Courtney Sat, 24 Sep 2016 06:47:09 +0000 Crazy adventure! My friends and I are heading out there at the beginning of October and want to do the bamboo rafting as well. We are expecting busy since it will be a holiday here in China. Have you since found any reputable groups to do this? Or can we just show up somewhere and pay at the river?

By: Alice teacake Wed, 06 Apr 2016 00:46:52 +0000 In reply to Tanasia @ Green Global Travel.

It’s a bit of a controversial subject. Some readers feel I should accept it’s a touristy area. I get that actually – I’m not going to go everywhere and have everything to myself – that would be selfish >< I just want to communicate that it is all a little crazy there and if you do want to get away from the crowds, there are definitely cheaper and quieter alternatives.

By: Tanasia @ Green Global Travel Wed, 06 Apr 2016 00:39:37 +0000 Thanks so much for your honest opinion! You just saved so many people a headache and wasted time. I’m glad you enjoyed your trip overall however (:

By: Alice teacake Sat, 26 Mar 2016 10:06:46 +0000 In reply to Brodie.

Woohoo glad to be of service!

By: Brodie Wed, 23 Mar 2016 04:09:31 +0000 You just saved me a nightmare. My hostel guy tried to get me to take this tour and it didn’t feel right. Found your blog and now I’m definitely getting the bus!

By: Alice teacake Sun, 29 Nov 2015 14:51:48 +0000 In reply to Rachel.

Haha it is an experience to be on one of those tours, that’s for sure! It sounds like you experienced both sides of it and that’s a good thing! Now you know what you like and you’ve clearly become a travel master already by learning to dodge the gift shop haha! Rock on Rachel.

By: Rachel Sat, 28 Nov 2015 17:03:37 +0000 Hahaha, I’ve just found this via your Twitter posts! I loved the area so much and I’m glad now that we shunned the tours and did it ourselves, especially opting to go by bus to Xing Ping and staying at the lovely hostel there. The bamboo rafts looked fun but we did everything by bicycle instead.
The only tour we did was to one of the psychedelically lit caves, which sounds just like your tour. A little bus that became a big bus of squillions of Chinese tourists. It was Christmas day and we got given a sticker and that was it, they totally left us behind in the cave to wander by ourselves, shunning the gift shopping opportunity we managed to get back to the bus ages before the rest of them did! It was hilarious!

By: aliceteacake Sun, 11 Oct 2015 16:31:09 +0000 In reply to Sophie.

Ah damn girl! My tour guide was called KFC. Need I say more? ><

By: Sophie Sun, 11 Oct 2015 14:18:04 +0000 OMG i’m literally writing about this now. We must have done the same tour! I couldn’t believe it when I realised I had joined a Chinese style tour. Did you have Sugar the tour guide? She was feisty!
