Exploring Pepsi’s Last Whispers In Cambodia

Cambodia Abandoned Pepsi Factory Doorway

Back in May 2013, I was lucky enough to catch the last glimpses of the desolate, fizzy pop mecca of Pepsi in Battambang. When I arrived, a few men were carting off antique machinery and left me to it. This super cool factory unfortunately got into the claws of the Khmer Rouge in 1975 and was promptly shut down. It stood there firm in the ground until September 2013, until it was regrettably torn down with its fate sealed to be transformed into a water plant. Read on to step inside a piece of history which has unfortunately crumbled and been swiftly thrown into Cambodian dust.

What’s inside this abandoned island mansion?

Puerto Princessa Tour

You’re racing along the water, holding onto the wooden sides of the boat as the waves throw you back and forth. The wind runs its slick fingers through your hair and the sun throws its glorious rays down upon you. Everything feels amazing. You’re high on the undeniable beauty of Palawan and cannot wait to hop off onto your next island as you sail through El Nido’s infamous Tour C. Slowly your next destination emerges…What adventures await you here?

The secret sunset in El Nido Philippines

Travel El Nido

Are you looking for the best secret sunset in El Nido Philippines? Sunsets should be for free but in El Nido, drivers will try and entice you to take a ride with them and see the ‘most beautiful’ sunset at a place called ‘Las Cabanas’. Trust me, you don’t need to go there. Right around the corner is one the most soul fulfilling, emotionally charged, romantically sweet sunsets that you need in your life and I’m gonna tell you where it is and why it rocks.

Avoid The Baby Milk Scam In Siem Reap Cambodia

Ants on your food

Sometimes, Teacake gets scammed. It’s only happened twice in 5 years luckily but it can happen nonetheless, no matter how much you think you have travelling sussed out. One scam I fell for is in Siem Reap in Cambodia. This was back in 2013 but a quick google search proves that it’s going just as strong now! Goddamit! Avoid the Baby Milk Scam in Siem Reap Cambodia!

What’s that in my soup?!

Teacake prides herself on being able to eat pretty much anything. You want me to eat that snail? No problem. Want me to eat that chicken’s heart? No problem. Want to chop up an octopus alive, swish it in oil and feed it to me? No problem. However, sometimes I’m faced with the reality of what I’m actually eating and then…well…I don’t feel too good.

Mind blowing Wreck Diving in Coron Philippines

Make Money

Back in Shanghai in January I met a very charming French man, who told me about a magical place where I could dive deep into the depths of the sea and explore not one or two but eleven(!) different Japanese ship wrecks, all in one place. He told me fantastical stories of gliding through old kitchens, glitzy ballrooms, passing by monumentally big machine guns and even seeing an unfortunate human’s skull down there on one of his visits (might be true…might just have been his French flair) but regardless, I naturally packed my bags and went.

The best place to eat in Coron Palawan

Vegetable Curry: perfection

I love food. There’s usually alcohol involved, you get to hang out with new, super cool travel buddies and you can immerse yourself in a fantastical environment of food porn, weird eats and unusual furniture. Whilst I was diving in Coron I hung out with the locals and everyone told me to head to this restaurant. I tried lots of different places but was this the best place to eat in Coron Palawan? I went to investigate and YES: they were right! It’s THAT good that we ended up eating here almost every night. An absolute treat. Read on to see how yummy Sinugba Sa Balay really is.

Hiking the world’s most dangerous trail!

Teacake tops the world

I was bricking it last week, terrified my hiking days were officially gonna be over and I might just be losing the plot? There are no official death statistics, but the rumor is that 100 people per year die on this mountain. Well…I’ve lived to tell the tale and oh boy, are you in for a treat! China’s Mount Huashan blew my pretty little mind and Teacake is gonna let you know how to do it…that’s if you are still willing by the time you get to the end of this post!

Don’t tell anyone about El Nido: Philippines


I have just returned to Puerto Princesa from El Nido in the Philippines. My friends visited El Nido three years ago and couldn’t contain their excitement about knowing somewhere that was a little secretive, special and out of the hands of the likes of Lonely Planet. ‘Nothing’s there!’ they said. ‘It’s paradise! It’s a hidden secret! You have to go’. So I did go…and I arrived three years too late. What happens when a destination isn’t a secret anymore?

The Best Day Honda Bay Island Hopping

Honda Bay Island Hopping

If you’re in Puerto Princesa, Palawan, then I recommended adding Honda Bay Island Hopping to your bucket list. I had an amazing time whilst I was on Palawan island in the Philippines. El Nido and Coron are everyone’s immediate favourites, and I loved being there, but many people arrive and leave Palawan via Puerto Princesa. Why not enjoy what there is to offer here too? It is worth it and with island hopping being so crowded up in El Nido, it’s nice to have a quieter experience down here.