Comments on: 11 Things Ladies Shouldn’t Do At The Airport (And 4 That You Should!) Adventure Travel for Kickass Chicks Thu, 16 Feb 2023 06:06:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alice teacake Sat, 23 Jan 2016 07:58:04 +0000 In reply to amyinautumn.

Awesome to get a gate agent’s point of view! I hear you girl! It’s a tough job you had there. So happy you’re in Busan and teaching though! That’s totally rad. I miss Korea EVERY DAY and it’s so lovely to hear you’re a friend of Tim. Enjoy your time there and you never know, I might see you there soon :)

By: amyinautumn Sat, 23 Jan 2016 02:45:07 +0000 Hi Alice! If you don’t mind, I have one to add:

Yeah! Be kind to your airline employees. In fact, make some conversation, with no gain in mind! :)

As a former 20-something year old gate agent for a major airline, I can attest that many of the people behind the counter at airports (of all ages!) have similar mindsets to you . We’re in that biz for FREE AIR TRAVEL (perhaps the holy grail of jobs for traveling). And our job becomes rather pooey when we have to stomp on your travel plans by telling you, “your flight’s been delayed”, ” sorry, ma’am, but you have to pay for that bag”, “all we have are middle seats”, or the worst…..”I’m afraid it’s been canceled”. Sighhhhhh. It’s not always possible to pull strings, make exceptions, or bend rules. Airlines have an intense chain of command. The bosses are like strict, overbearing, penny pinching parents. Someone pays for every dollar daddy doesn’t get. So when your gate agent is talking to you like a robot, chances are, they probably really ARE sorry, even if they don’t look it. Remember, they’ve probably just kissed 600 other peoples butts during their shift.
Finally, the passengers who ask for hand-outs are the ones that irk employees and as common as the cold. I always remembered the passengers who struck up genuine small-talk or conversation with me. The people who were interested in digging out the strange, somewhat-crazy traveler girl underneath the suit. (Or at least had a smile on their face.) And then, I’d do whatever I could to pamper and treat them right where it was possible! <3 ^+^

Ps: Alice, I'm a teacher in Busan currently. I just heard about your blog last night from Tim Sinnett. You're killin' it girl! Thanks for the entertainment and advice!

By: aliceteacake Wed, 09 Sep 2015 12:47:54 +0000 In reply to Bettina.

Haha very true, an 8am beer really isn’t a bad idea at all if you’re gonna pick up a hottie in the process! Thanks for reading Bettina! <3

By: Bettina Wed, 09 Sep 2015 03:48:04 +0000 BAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is the funniest woman’s magazine article! Nice find! I would agree with the beer part though. Hey, when you want a beer, you want a beer! #7 made me chuckle. People are more likely to smile at attractive people in airports? Maybe after that 8am beer… Thanks Alice for such an awesome post! xx <3

By: aliceteacake Tue, 05 May 2015 05:10:08 +0000 In reply to Sammy.

Oh yes! Excellent point!

By: Sammy Tue, 05 May 2015 04:46:06 +0000 Don’t spend £120 on duty free, but do have a good ‘test’ of your favourite perfume ;)

By: Indah Susanti Sun, 26 Apr 2015 11:24:57 +0000 Gosh..i haven’t read ladies magazines for ages! Maybe ten years already and for similar reasons that you have
Anyway, most of the things that mentioned are certainly not my activities in the airport and I think I traveled quite frequently

By: aliceteacake Sun, 26 Apr 2015 05:03:34 +0000 In reply to Indah Susanti.

Good to know :)

By: Take 251175 Wed, 22 Apr 2015 17:59:56 +0000 Brilliant…xx
