The Best Treks in the World Every Adventurer Should Try

Best Treks in the World

What are the best treks in the world? It’s hard to put together a list of hiking destination and trails that everyone will agree on. However, with the help of my travel blogging buddies, I asked the best trekking and hiking adventurers what their favourite great trek or hike is on this planet. They came up with these awesome top hikes in the world!

The Best Hikes in New Zealand, Australia and Beyond!

Best hikes in New Zealand

There are some fantastic Australia and New Zealand great walks and treks to be experienced in Oceania, along with all the amazing trekking on the islands too! I asked my fellow travel blogging buddies what their favourite ultimate hikes are in Oceania – and they came back to me with these awesome treks in Australia, New Zealand and beyond. Whether you’re looking for something easy or the challenge of a lifetime in this part of the world, it has just got a lot easier for you!

11 Stunning Best Hikes in Canada, the USA and Beyond!

Best hikes in Canada, USA and North America

So, you want to hike the hiking trails of North America? Fantastic! From the Canada National Parks in Banff Canada to the best places to go hiking in the US, me and my travel blogging buddies have got you covered. We have Guatemala and Mexico in here for good measure too! Regardless of what area you’re planning to go mountain hiking in North America, we’ve got the best hikes in Canada, the USA and beyond right here.