What To Do When You Need To Get An Abortion In Asia 2020

What to do when you need to get an abortion in Asia

Sometimes, we can get ourselves into trouble whilst travelling. Things can happen that we most certainly didn’t plan and then we need help. Becoming pregnant whilst travelling isn’t on everyone’s bucket list. It wasn’t on mine and still isn’t…but I’ve been there. It happened to me. I made the decision to have an abortion. Being a solo female traveller, in a country which isn’t my home and not having anyone with me: that’s tough. Read on for invaluable information on where to get an abortion in Asia and my personal story.

The Black Temple in Thailand: Chiang Rai

The Black Temple Chiang Rai Thailand Entrance

Are you looking for a unique, dark, twisted and magical temple? Have you had enough of seeing temples which just all look the same? Thailand is hiding a delightful treasure for you and you have to see it! Read on to discover the black temple in Chiang Rai, Thailand with Teacake. Let’s go!

The craziest White Temple in Chiang Rai Thailand

Wat Rong Khun White Temple Thailand Entrance

Say the word ‘temple’ and you’ll most likely think of calm, peaceful, nice stuff where Buddhists are chilling out, ornate statues are looking pretty fine and everyone is on their best behaviour. Screw all of that, push it through some seriously creative minds and what do you get? Thailand’s craziest White Temple in Chiang Rai. The most badass, messed up place you’ve ever seen! Thailand, you never fail to amaze me. Welcome to Wat Rong Khun, the White Temple of Thailand!

Owning A House Is My Worst Nightmare

Owning my own house worst nightmare

Some people work like crazy with fierce blood, sweat and tears to save up enough money to buy a house. What is some peoples’ dream, is Teacake’s nightmare. Owning a house is my WORST nightmare. If I did bad stuff and the earth police told me I had to buy a house and live there forever, I would cry a river. I would be like one of The Prisoner’s buddies, desperately holding hands with him as we tried to escape from the island and THAT white ball.

Exploring Pepsi’s Last Whispers In Cambodia

Cambodia Abandoned Pepsi Factory Doorway

Back in May 2013, I was lucky enough to catch the last glimpses of the desolate, fizzy pop mecca of Pepsi in Battambang. When I arrived, a few men were carting off antique machinery and left me to it. This super cool factory unfortunately got into the claws of the Khmer Rouge in 1975 and was promptly shut down. It stood there firm in the ground until September 2013, until it was regrettably torn down with its fate sealed to be transformed into a water plant. Read on to step inside a piece of history which has unfortunately crumbled and been swiftly thrown into Cambodian dust.

7 ways Travelling Changes You For Better And Worse

Travel changes you

Travelling changes you forever. Taking that brave step into the unknown world will blast you apart and the pieces will not go back together as originally assembled. Some parts of your unique jigsaw will be lost forever, other pieces will grow an extra arm or leg, some will expand, others will minimise and some will refuse to fit in even if they’re in the box. Here are some of the stark pieces in my jigsaw that have stood out to me over the last 5 years: the good, the bad and the ugly.