Bangladesh Is No Joke
Solo Female Travel in Bangladesh is no joke. You need to be mentally and physically ready. It’s a Muslim Pic ‘N’ Mix box of sickly sweet experiences, endlessly jabbing, twisting and pulling at each and every one of your delicate senses. Get ready girl…
As you nervously taste the first bite and step into this world, your mind is forced to retract into a safe, dulled down place to try to make sense of it all. It’s a lot to swallow. Everything is different to the Western world, everything is like nothing you’ve seen before and it takes time to get with the programme. Like curious Alice hurtling down the rabbit hole and landing with a heavy thud in its belly, you attempt to begin digesting all the opportunities before you to make it to the end of your unpredictable journey in one piece.
You Will ‘Lose It’ At Some Point
With the overwhelming experience you’re going through, you might just find yourself at breaking point, desperate to jump on the next plane home. The bitter-sweet taste of wanting to throw the towel in and jump ship happened to me twice. Through sheer patience, resilience and continuous reminders about why you’re embarking on this journey though, your mind will begin to slowly open up again and thrust itself into full bloom.
Solo Female Travel In Bangladesh: I Did It!
Before I knew it, I’d gorged on the whole confectionery box and was feeling the dizzying, glorious after-effects of the sugar rush. Bangladesh has changed my life and been the most rewarding solo female travel adventure I’ve undertaken to date. I’ve proved everyone wrong about Bangladesh being impossible to visit and not worth exploring. That includes the media, my friends and yes, even myself. I want to change your mind too and open up this rabbit hole even further so you can jump right in there with me. It’s a rough ride but the crazy adventurer in you needs to do it. The rewards are gold dust.
Bangladeshi People Are The Nicest People In The World
I’m going to hold my hands up right now and tell you that I was scared to enter Bangladesh. Why? Due to a lack of knowledge and the fear of the unknown. Was I going to get groped? Would men disrespect me? Would I get shot (more on that in a minute)?! Needless to say, these horrendous visions were flashing through my over-active mind and creating a curious yet secretly worried explorer.
Having made it out the other end, I will now never let a judgement snake through my mind and slide out of my mouth unless I’ve been to the place in question. The love and care I received in Bangladesh blew me away and after a week of looking like a rabbit in headlights, I felt a deep love and respect for the people of Bangladesh, just like they had been feeling for me all along. A random afternoon with this family is one of my most treasured experiences.
However, it’s important to note that you should…
Be Prepared To Be Stared At And Interrogated Continuously
There is no break from this whatsoever, apart from the time when you finally lock your bedroom door and let a long breath of air out that’s been slowly racking up in your ‘patience-o-meter’. Bangladesh is giving itself to you every day and you need to be prepared to give yourself back. A whole lot of yourself. Remember, foreigners are still very much a rarity here and a Western female by herself?! You’re going to stop traffic lady.
Everyone stares at you. Everyone. Your skin feels like it is on fire. I had men chasing me down the street desperate to know where I was from and why I was there. If I was walking, at least I was on the move. Stopping anywhere for a few seconds meant I was like honey to a bunch of overzealous bees. I cannot stress enough how harmless the curiosity is though. I had groups of thirty or so men surrounding me many a time but I never felt threatened. Yes, you want the ground to swallow you up whole to give yourself five minutes peace but they just want to see who you are. You need to accept this. There’s no escape and if you and Bangladesh mentally agree this is going to happen, you’re winning already.
The worst things that happened to me? Being filmed eating mutton biriyani like a circus monkey, a woman removing my head scarf to see what my hair looked like underneath and immigration questioning me for 30 minutes when I left Bangladesh because they found it hard to believe I’d be there for ‘tourism’. I can cope with that.
Don’t Believe Everything You’re Told
Bangladesh is politically in a very interesting and unfortunate situation right now. The parties there certainly don’t get on and last year between September to November 2015, one Japanese and two Italian men were shot dead. Islamic State claimed responsibility for both attacks but the government and locals assert that the motive was to put the current government under pressure to make Bangladesh look unsafe for foreigners. I won’t talk any more about this now as I’ll be addressing it next week in a new post but I decided this wasn’t going to stop me going. I refuse to give into fear. Sounds crazy? Not really. People get shot in London everyday.
Bangladesh Is A Man Fest
‘Where’s all the women?’ you may exclaim. Get used to it. You’re not going to see a lot of chicks on the street, especially outside of Dhaka. They’re at home, doing ‘woman’ stuff so understand that you’re going to be entering a man’s world. In this case, there’s a couple of things you really need to take note of to make sure your day goes as good as it can.
Expect Your Independence To Be Challenged
Out of the goodness of their heart and wanting to make sure you’re safe, men are going to question a lot of things you may usually do. Especially if you’re a kickass solo female traveller. Going off on your own is uncomfortable for them. Going out of your hotel at night sends them running after you in a panic. Going out to eat alone in a restaurant? Uh oh…and riding a motorbike through rice fields? Crikey! That could cause a heart attack girl!
At times it can be incredibly frustrating to feel like you’re fifteen again and your Dad is telling you, ‘You can’t go out’. There are times where you just want to be left alone, yet people are going to think you’re incredibly lonely. Take it one step at a time and understand where they’re coming from. This isn’t natural to their world, so take a deep breath, tell them you’re OK and keep on going.
Walk Strong And Be Assertive
Some people who stare at you are certainly staring at you for sexy times. I found this in Dhaka especially. Walk like a badass and give them the evil eye. You’ll look ugly in no time. ‘Atta girl. On the flip side, I found waiters in restaurants can become nervous when you walk in. Maybe they were worried about communicating well? Smile and assert that you want to eat something incredibly yummy and you’ll get something eventually.
You Do Not Need A Guide
What will also baffle locals is why you’re not with a guide. Many people choose not to do Bangladesh solo but I’ve always had a bit of an allergy towards ‘organised’ adventure and yes, I felt completely safe doing it by myself. You will need a guide for the Hill Tracts in Chittagong and for the Hum Hum Waterfall in Sreemangal but this is expert mountain stuff. For the rest of Bangladesh, go do it yourself Wander Woman!
Yes, You Are Married And You Have Children
Telling a local you’re single and childless is like telling them the sky is bright purple. Ludicrous. Save yourself a ton of bafflement, confusion and a possible impromptu marriage attempt in the village you’re passing through by just telling people you’re married. You don’t need a ring. They’ll take your word for it.
Cover Up
Bangladesh is a Muslim country. Be respectful and make sure you kit yourself out in the longest dresses you can find which don’t show any cleavage. I found even wearing trousers which show off your behind can be too risky. Buy a long top to cover that too.
In terms of the head scarf…well, in the first couple of weeks it just made me feel more comfortable. Especially with the continuous staring. As time went by, I became more confident and sometimes wore it around my shoulders. Listen to your gut essentially and have one handy to pop over your head when the going gets tough and you need a break from the stares. Oh and whatever you do, don’t pack your bikini for the beach. Hell no.
Women Sit At The Front
There are areas for women depending on the situation. If you’re on the bus, sit at the front. There’s a very good chance the guys in charge will take care of it for you though and if you’re foreign, you’re getting the absolute front row seat. Can’t quite say whether this is good or not because Bangladeshi driving skills = absolute hell. There are also areas for women in restaurants, bus and train stations.
Get A Mobile Number…
There’s no WiFi in Bangladesh. OK, there are a few areas. I can count the times WiFi magically appeared on one hand in the whole month I was there though. Did it work? Once out of the three times I found it. As soon as you land here, get a SIM card. It’s cheap and the data connection is awesome! For a crazy blogging lady like me, I got $15 worth of credit and hotspotted the taka out of that and it lasted me for the whole time I was here. You’re gonna need to make calls to hotels to book ahead and call someone if it’s an emergency. Whatever you do, don’t give your number to others. They’ll never leave you alone (I found out the hard way). I recommend Grameenphone for the phone company and Agoda to get even cheaper prices for hotels online.
Book Your Hotel Online For Bangladesh
Ask People For Help But Do What You Can Yourself
Bangladeshi people are so nice that at times, they can be too nice. If you look like you need help, the whole village will come running and that can become quite overwhelming. The help I received when I really needed it though was gratefully received. I had guys grab a ride for me when I got dropped off in the middle of nowhere at night at a random bus stop. I got essential directions and most importantly, tips for the best tea and cake in town. Thanks guys!
Don’t Feel Bad About Taking A Recovery Day
Last but not least, don’t feel bad if you just need to book yourself into a nice room and shut yourself off from Bangladesh for a day. With any box of sweets we eat, an overdose needs some recovery time and girl, you’re gonna need it. Come tomorrow, you’ll be ready to go out there again and see Bangladesh for what it really is!
Ready to go to Bangladesh?
Check out my one month Bangladesh Itinerary!
You have TRAVEL INSURANCE right?
Have questions about solo female travel in Bangladesh? Ask Me Below!
I can’t wait to show you the beauty of this country in my next post! Ooh we got some good photos and stories for you!
Watch this space for a Bangladesh Trip Itinerary and a bucketful of stories coming soon!
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This is totally inspiring. It takes a lot of courage and trust in yourself and the universe to do this type of travel. I’m hoping to step outside my comfort zone and push myself a little more with my upcoming travel plans too.
Besides encounters with locals, what were some of the other memorable things you saw and did in Bangladesh? Looks like a beautiful country.
I’ll be talking about everything I got up to in an itinerary next and be sharing some stories soon too :) I’m really looking forward to showing Bangladesh off!
Horray! Looking forward to hearing about it!
You are an amazing woman! So brave! The tips and all of your pictures are fantastic. I feel I’d go to Bangladesh tomorrow. Looking forward to the following blog.
Thank you Liz! I’m looking forward to publishing it!
Loving your posts on Bangladesh! I can’t believe you went there by yourself for a month. Now I want to go!
Fun read! I’m excited to hear more about your time there. And I loooove the photo of you with all of the dudes behind you, ha! That attitude is great: take a kinda uncomfortable situation and turn it into something funny. :)
Haha I was like ‘Right boys, make yourself useful…CHEEEEEESE!’ If you can’t beat them join them right? ><
I loved reading this! Although I am from Bangladesh, I haven’t really explored the Hill Tracts. I’m eagerly waiting to see more photos! Now I want to go traveling by myself :)
very glad to know that you had a nice tour in our country :)
try to come again during rainy season, probably during may/june .
thanks again for sharing your experience.
Thank you for sharing it with us ! Glad to know someone is there to challenge the stereotypes. Looking to hear more about your journey
Thank you for visiting our country. You are always welcome here :)
Thanks for visiting Bangladesh! Nice articulation indeed. Actually we have multicultural people in country and interestingly Muslims are also follower of local culture and custom though the religion migrated from Arab. So no matter strangers come to before people, they tend to help them at any cost. this is Bangladesh! Usually people face less foreigners particularly fair skin in periphery, so showing curiosity is inevitable (tips is to face them boldly). Top of that there is no space of doing harm specially to foreigners in Bengali culture, so you are welcome to trust people with open eyes. Happy traveling!
You covered almost everything in this post to attract girls over the world to visit Bangladesh…. and YES its SOLO :)
Welcome to Beautiful Bangladesh again :)
Very glad to see the such an article which is make me simply Grateful. ☺
In this article the topic “Bangladeshi People Are The Nicest People In The World” is touching me and I had revised it 3 times.
as a traveler and a Bangladeshi guy I would like to say you Biggest Thank You for visits my country and a great review.
See you next time to visit us with your gang too.
Best of Luck & May Allah Bless you.
THANK YOU for being such an amazing country. See you next time (because I will be coming back as soon as I can!)
Alice in wonderland. That’s why you were named aptly. Yes Bangladesh has always been close to me as an Indian. However as Indian we have many restriction but soon I would be taking a trip there! Your guide was apt and I think quite few I knew as many parts of India you have to be exactly the same way.. Loved your article !
Before I was in Bangladesh I spent a wonderful couple of days in Kolkata. I’ll be writing about that too! Glad you enjoyed the article and I hope these restrictions loosen for you soon <3
Restrictions in Bangladesh for Indians? I am sure they are more imaginary than real…there are thousands of Indian people living and working in Bangladesh…
This post was inspiring and informative at the same time. I think it’s important to push social and personal boundaries and applaud you for putting yourself out their with your experience. As one solo travel blogger to another well done! I look forward to hearing more about it
Right on Elaina. I’m all about pushing the social and personal boundaries and want to learn from my experiences!
Bangladesh is a green country.
The nature, the minds of people, all are green. You can see youth even in a 70 year old man/woman.
They are always ready to accept other people, from our own country or from other. To become friends with them. All you need is to smile and talk. :-)
This is the most valued treasure we still possess.
You all are welcome to come and visit .
I agree. The people of Bangladesh are good-hearted and very open to foreigners. Even when I got into some trouble (will be writing about this soon!), I knew other people would help me and they certainly did. Bangladesh has an amazing heart and I miss your country very much.
It’s so wonderful to read about your account of Bangladesh! I’m a Bangladeshi woman that has travelled across the world, but every time I’m back home, I’m like a turtle that crawls back into its shell. Maybe I am inadvertantly allowing myself to feel constrained by certain societal expectations. It’s so refreshing to read your views. Looking forward to more posts!
Wow. This is really interesting Shehrina. I experienced something similar. When I got to Malaysia after Bangladesh, I put on my short shorts and a low top. I felt completely naked and it made me question who I was. I feel I almost became a Bangladeshi woman whilst I was travelling in Bangladesh to ‘survive’. I feel a bit lost not being there now to be honest! I have an deep yearning to go back as soon as I can but I’m so independent as a woman, I’m not sure what’s going on.
Alice that’s good approach of you –open up the rabbit hole!
However, as I have born and brought up here in Bangladesh, fortunately visiting other several East Asia countries including one European country different time, I tell you if you visit Bangladesh having a flock of you then you people enjoy more as nowhere solo traveling is most enjoyable as I still can remember to Beijing once. I was there 29 days once, last ending of few days rest, my partner got back to HKG for emergency that made me a bit woes as last t seven days I couldn’t talk with any bangla( my tongue) except English as nobody could understand my mother tongue!
I missed to see the “Great Wall” as it was the set up planning of my partner like he knew the Chinese language well, and I couldn’t continue to talk Chinese man as he didn’t communicate with me in English–as he couldn’t speak a single word in English except sign language that made me not to go with him ultimately–a bit off track but helpful if anybody likes to enjoy a new place it had better come by a group. However, if you come again pls. don’t hesitate to contact us then, thanks and cheers!
Pls. read my article to explore Bangladesh a bit differently:
I loved your writing and waiting for more on your experience ….. we are unlucky regarding political issues but hope more traveler like you will open up #Bangladesh. Thanks for visit ….
Even as a solo man I had the same kind of attention that you got, though I wont for one moment deny that its more demanding for a solo female. I spent 6 weeks there and loved every minute of it. Like you I have no hesitation in saying its the friendliest place I’ve been to, including the legendary Iran. I was in and out of people’s houses all the time: from a mud hut with a family of 6 crammed into the space of a small bedroom to the mansion of a rich business man, the welcome was always incredible. Big respect to you for going it alone
what a nice write up! I am going back to Bangladesh soon to visit my family, and taking two of foreigners with me :) One of them is my husband who is familiar with the attention-thing, another is my female friend, who never been there before, and asked me how to prepare, and what to expect. I will share your blog with her. She is not gonna travel alone, but being prepared for the attention is always a good idea! I think as a Bangladeshi woman I never thought of covering my head, but may be it’s useful for a tourist to avoid the extra attention. Thanks for your heartfelt essay.
Oooh fantastic yes please do share it with her. I wrote this so women could get an insight into what the experience is like :) Thank you for taking the time to comment.
I am a Bangladeshi, so on behalf of my people I thank you,
thank you for visiting us
thank you for testing eventually trusting us
thank you for writing about us.
I open this to read may be before 9 pm (in our time jone) now it’s 3am I was busy but wanted to read this to know how a foreigner fell about us and now I think it was worthy reading this instead of sleeping.
I can understand you may face some trouble during your journey that’s may be because most of our normal people are not comfortable about speaking English.
Hope you don’t face any major problem and will visit us again.
May Allah bless you!
I will certainly be visiting you again and thank you for taking the time to read the article! Now go get some sleep haha ><
Undoubtedly, you are a BRAVE woman. As a Bangladeshi, I respect your honest comments about the country. Most foreigners would not dare to take the challenge you have overcomed (trust me, I asked).
Getting stared at is a very common bhavior of curious rural Bangladeshis. Even we city dwellers get stared at and get questions asked when we travel to unfamiliar villages, wearing not so familiar outfit or travel gear. I can only imagine how your experience was, as a foreigner. There are good chances of getting into trouble, if the traveler is not careful enough, specially while on the road. Obviously you handled it very well.
Your story is utterly inspiring to all travelers out there. I will look forward to read more stories about this trip from you.
Best wishes for your future travels!
Thank you for respecting my honesty. Teacake Travels is very much about being honest and trying to gain a real perspective on travel. It’s very interesting to hear that even you get stared at haha! Very interesting! I look forward to sharing more! Thank you so much for your lovely comment Alimur.
This was really great to read. I admire your bravery for traveling solo through a country most wouldn’t!
I loved the way you nonchalantly take the readers through details while describing your experience here in my country. My sincere respect for your candidness and bravery. We, people of Bangladesh go through such hardship that sometimes we tend to forget what treasure we already have. Thank you for visiting and sharing your experience with fellow travelers.
And thank you so much for your lovely comment. Bangladesh certainly has hardship but your resilience and endless smiles truly impress me.
This is a great motivating article for women. Yes you can travel to countries outside of those “10 safest countries for female travelers” lists!
Wow this has been so inspiring and the most interesting thing I’ve read all week! Now I feel a bit bad that I was always afraid to go to Bangladesh on my own… There seems to be a lot of false information out there!
This makes me want to venture out to the less “travel safe” places (with a litte more research, of course) because I’m sure there must be other cultural gems I’d miss out on because I thought it was too scary.
Thank you for sharing this experience!!
Aww perfect this is really want I want to achieve through this article! To encourage women to really try and go for it and not be influenced by what the media is saying. It’s an amazing place Lauren :) Glad you’ve got some gusto to try more of these places out.
I really want to meet you and give you a tight hug for making it here! Thank you for coming here and thank God for keeping you safe!
– Bangladeshi female traveler
Haha you are adorable! Thank you so much Nabila!
Hugs from the Bangladeshi female traveler. I have traveled across continents but never traveled solo in my own country. Thank you for visiting!
seemed like you rocked that journey in a bad ass kinda style. I think you did pretty good concerning the useful tips you came out with. What I’m missing though, why did you go in the first place? What attracted you to go dispite all the ill advice?
Good question! I’m going to talk more about it in my next article but essentially I knew nothing about Bangladesh and was incredibly curious about it. My male friend asked me to go with him at first – so me being me said yes straight away. Leading up to the trip, news started coming out about the political situation but I thought, ‘Well, I gotta go and not give into ‘terrorism”. We entered into Bangladesh together but after a week he left. He’d just been hiking in the Indian mountains for a month and clearly needed some rest. Bangladesh needs a lot of energy: for him it wasn’t the right time and place. I’m a stubborn chick and wanted to see the rest of the country so kept on going till my visa was up. Nearly quit twice but am so grateful to myself for staying. I left after a month and all I want to do is go back now.
Great read. People often wonder how safe “India” is for female solo travelers so this article comes as no surprise as I believe culture wise / food/ clothing wise we are quite similar nationalities.
I agree you need to stay safe and take a stand at times. Just be confident and you can sail through any country keeping your head high!
Sounds like an incredible experience! I’m so jealous..
Incredible story and great structuring of the post! I also loved the photos (the one with 20 guys behind you is pretty fantastic). I traveled by myself in Malaysia, but I haven’t done any really solo travel outside of Europe since then. You’re inspiring me. ;)
Awesome! Bangladesh and India are places I’ve always wanted to go but a. Felt too nervous to go alone and b. Didn’t want to pay for a guided tour when I could travel other places cheaper. This is really reassuring to see. You go girl! (I’ve never said that before in my life but it just felt right haha)
Haha right on! Glad you’re feeling a bit more revved up to go there! It’s really worth it :)
Thanks for this post – I always love reading about less-travelled places. My boyfriend went to Dhaka for work and didn’t enjoy it, but I guess you need to get out of the crazy capital and explore!
Dhaka is a bit of an animal of it’s own, just like London or New York. It’s one side to the country and I definitely recommend going there but yes, there is way more to Bangladesh and it’s definitely worth going to see the rest of it :) Do prepare for the crazy haha when you hit it though ><
Looks like you did Bangladesh right! What an experience!
Yours is the first post I have ever read on Bangladesh (and I read a lot of travel blogs). Congrats to you for doing something truly out of the ordinary. Bangladesh sounds fascinating – I’ve got Bangladeshi friends but have never been myself. It’s such a poor country that I’m sure they could use the tourism boost.
I really want to show that Bangladesh is an adventure and definitely worth checking out!
Love this article. I always travel solo (as a female) and this reminds me of similar experiences in Egypt, Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, etc. I haven’t hit Bangladesh yet, but it is on the list. Congratulations on a good trip and story.
Thank you! Very intrigued to find out more about your travels in Uzbekistan and Egypt. Will hop along to your blog to check your stories out!
Hi Alice
Very nicely presented feelings. I believe you had a lifetime experience there in Beautiful Bangladesh. I had a Polish friend visiting me in Dhaka during the tough political situation in 2015. But believe me or not, when he returned back home he assured me next time he is going to travel alone for a longer period. I have forwarded your write up to my western female friends who continuously make queries about travelling Bangladesh. This article is for them and I mean it. Eagerly waiting for your next posts. Travelling through Bangladesh will never disappoint. One hell of an experience in Bangladesh. Cheers.
Hello Taskin! Very happy to hear that your Polish friend felt he could come back on his own next time and thank you so much for sharing the article with your friends. My one month itinerary for Bangladesh showing everywhere I went will be coming out next week :) Wishing you all the best x
Thanks Alice. Wishing you too all the very best for all of your future trips. :)
Such a great article, thank you so much for sharing! More women should be confident to travel alone, and this is a really inspiring article for everybody! And it certainly makes me want to go to Bangladesh :P
Thank you so much Lizzie! Hoping guys can get as much out as this as women! Keep your eyes peeled for my Bangladesh itinerary coming up next week :)
This is lovely and inspiring to read! I’ve always wanted to go to Bangladesh, but have been warned against it because of the safety issues there – but what you say is true, incidents do happen in London and the rest of the UK all the time. Bangladesh is definitely on my list!
First of all, you are a very brave woman! Hats off!! This was both funny and at times a bit scary story but you totally made me want to visit Bangladesh now. I love places which don’t get much attention and explore them on my own before reading tons of posts about it. This is definitely on my list now! Take care. Maya
Glad you’re feeling inspired Maya! It’s a fascinating country and totally worth a visit!
Thank you very much for such a wonderful insight on Bangladesh, which is a much neglected country in regards of tourism, wrapped with myths and hypes on western media. Your story will help the country to clear some of those myths. Thank you from the people of Bangladesh!
Interested readers can find some more interesting Bangladesh travel stories by western female travelers on our Bangladesh Travel Blog here:
Regards from Bangladesh!
You’re so welcome! In the process of writing even more! Much love to Bangladesh!
Hi, Alice teacake, Thank you for sharing very nice information about your experience to visit Bangladesh. And most welcome next time. Hotel 71 is ready to support you. We are one of the best 3 Star Dhaka hotels and low expensive hotels in Dhaka Bangladesh.
What an absolutely wonderful article! a female friend and myself are planning on going to Bangladesh next year to start off a trip around numerous countries in Asia.
We have both been to India before on separate trips. I travelled when I was 18 years old with a female friend the same age. Although I absolutely LOVED it, I did find it difficult (I was incredibly sick) – mostly the large cities. I was just wondering if you’ve been to India before, and if you could compare it? I can’t wait to go! I just have no idea what to expect.
Hi Fran! So excited for you and your friend that you’re heading to Bangladesh! The only place I’ve been to in India is Kolkata where I started my Bangladesh trip so it’s hard to compare. Indians and Bangladeshis might not like me saying it, but I feel Kolkata and it’s neighbouring villages in Bangladesh are the same. Both parts were incredibly friendly, relaxed and wonderfully curious. Keep in touch! I’m stoked to hear about your trip :)
Wow what a different story. This is truly an inspiration for all women who want to leave their comfort zone and maybe travel and start living instead of just existing.
Thank you Linda! Happy to hear you’re feeling inspired! It’s a beautiful country and an excellent adventure to take :D
Just returned from a flying visit mainly Dhaka and surrounding towns but I can re- iterate if you are sensible, respectful and take proper pre arranged tours you should be fine. I found everyone friendly, gentle, patient ( they have to be due to the traffic in Dhaka) and hardworking. Could see how beautiful the country can be and would gladly return. Thanks for the encouragement. Until I found your report I was going to decline to go.
Hi Little Pixie! So excited that you went to Bangladesh and had a good time! I would go one further and say that you do not need to take tours (definitely for the Sundarbans though!). They certainly do have to be patient in Dhaka with that traffic too haha! Thank you for your comment – it’s lovely to hear about another traveller going to Bangladesh.
How come you never visited Sri Lanka ?. People in Sri Lanka are way more friendlier than these people.
Hi Hasi. My experience was very personal to me and the people in Bangladesh were incredibly friendly. Not visiting Sri Lanka has nothing to do with my trip to Bangladesh or whether one place is better than another. Travel is about visiting somewhere with an open mind and heart and putting out your best to receive the best in return. Wishing you happy travels.
What a brave and adventurous soul you are! Just amazing post and I would have to agree getting ready mentally and remember to to be sensible, respectful and take proper pre arranged tours has to be a priority!
Congratulations on a great post and wildly interesting trip and beautiful images! ***** (five stars)!
Thank you Donna! I would argue that you don’t have to take pre-arranged tours for all of Bangladesh if you don’t want to (I try to go off on my own as much as possible) but definitely for the Sundarbans, you need a guide (don’t wanna get eaten by those tigers!)
Thank you for this wonderful article! Flying to Dhaka in December by myself and reading this was so helpful. It is easier to mentally prepare myself for these things now. Luckily I have local friends in Dhaka who will help me getting started in Bangladesh.
Hello Isa! Awesome news that you’re heading to Dhaka! Good to hear you’re feeling more reassured about it. I miss Bangladesh very much and I’m looking forward to going back in the future!
Hiya, found this article by accident , fantastic write up and captured the true essence of the country. Im so glad you enjoyed Bangladesh. Being a Brit with a Bangladeshi heritage i fell in love with the place since i was a kid and im regular visitor every few years. Often found it quite magical experience for myself. May you have many more experiences of Bangladesh.
Hello Khalid! Thank you for your lovely comment! Bangladesh is totally magical and I want to go back so much <3
Hi Alice!
I have come across this completely by accident. This is such an amazing and inspiring write-up. I am British born and bred to Bangladeshi parents. I have been there four or five times but I am pretty ‘westernized’ whatever that may mean. Nonetheless, I did something out of my personal ordinary and got married to a girl born and bred in Bangladesh. Now that I find myself going back there more, the appreciation and love I have for my motherland has grown tenfold and there are many places I am looking forward to exploring as I have not been anywhere really outside Dhaka and Sylhet, where my family are from. I have now fully accepted that the beauty of Bangladesh is in it’s chaos.
It frustrates me that only the negative hype about Bangladesh makes the news and I wish and hope that more travellers add Bangladesh to their itienary seeing as they go to most of the surrounding countries. There is so much beauty in the country, especially outside the borders of Dhaka, a mini-adventure in itself. But, the Bangladeshi government need to put their money where their mouth is too. I really wish they would invest more to make Bangladesh a more tourist-friendly place. The investment made in areas like Coxs Bazaar would pay dividends.
Thank you for visiting Bangladesh and I hope you inspire others to do the same!
You are absolutely right. Especially in Dhaka, Bangladesh’s beauty is in its chaos. I love it! I have experienced absolute tranquillity in the countryside though and I can’t get enough of the kindness of Bangladeshi people :) I hear you that the government would do good to make the country more tourist-friendly but personally for off-the-beaten track travellers like me, a lack of tourist infrastructure gives me the challenges I crave. I believe Bangladesh will become more and more popular and I’ll continue to do my best to promote it. Thank you for your comment!
One thing I am not understanding about this trip you went on is if the men are so friendly and they don’t want you go anywhere alone what are they worried about? Are there a lower-class people that would rob you or rape you or something? I’m not a world traveler so I don’t really know anything about that but I just kept noticing over and over that people didn’t want you to be alone and I was wondering why. It was a very beautiful article and I appreciate learning about places like that. Thank you for that
Hi Christine. I believe it’s a cultural, traditional thing. They believe that a woman needs someone with her. It’s not about the situation, it’s just about their perception of women needing to be protected and assisted. I took it as a gentleman behaviour but stuck to my independence throughout anyway ;)
Ok thank you very much for responding to my question. I have a client in Bangladesh right now, that I am pet sitting for and I googled safety of a woman alone. But she is there for a work related reason so I’m pretty sure she isn’t alone. Also she is not answering my text which is what prompted me to check lol.
Hiya, found this text inadvertently, fantastic write-up and captured truth essence of the country. I’m therefore glad you enjoyed the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Being a Brit with a Bangladeshi heritage I fell gaga with the place since I used to be a child and I’m regular traveler each few years. Usually found it quite watching expertise for myself. Could you’ve got more experiences of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh?
I can’t wait for your next post about Bangladesh. So enjoyable and entertaining.
Thank you so much Barb!
Hi Alice, thanks for the inspiring and informative article. I am looking forward to my trip to Bangladesh this November = )
Hi Angel that’s fantastic! I STILL haven’t finished writing about Bangladesh. I should have everything up for you by the time you go :)
Hi Alice,
Thank you for sharing your experience in your blog. I hope that you will come back again to visit my beautiful country Bangladesh.
I truly hope so too Yasin. I love Bangladesh <3
Hi Alice. I am also extremely curious about people’s daily lives and how they cope. Life everywhere on earth, especially Asia , is very interesting. I have been working in Taiwan for 5 years and the hardest thing here , too, is the staring at me. One feels safe, although I endured subtle sexual harassment from old married men in my job and left that job unfortunately. Life is much harder for single women traveling in Asia than for men traveling alone. But it is really rewarding..bitter-sweet sometimes. But I have learned so much. Just be aware that the psychological make-up of people are something to be aware of and that there is a big percentage of people everywhere in the world that are born without feelings and no conscience. Those are the ones you have to be aware of. I thank God He has shown me the hidden things of the world. It keeps me safe. I will also keep on traveling alone in Asia and discover beautiful places. Sending you much love and happy travels.
Sending you so much love back Belinda! It’s great to hear you’re travelling the world and going solo. Yes, it can be hard but like you say, it’s also very rewarding. Keep up the adventures!
Love this piece! I’m going to Bangladesh for a 4-month volunteer placement next month and everyone keeps on telling me “how brave” I am, which somehow feels undermining to the country?! It looks amazing and I can’t wait to go! Thanks for sharing :)
Justine this is so exciting! Please let me know how everything goes for you :D
Do Call once you are here if you need an interesting tour guide. I’ve been waiting to help a foreigner explore my country.
i am from Bangladesh and I can assure you that you will get a very warm reception and your memories will be rich about people. thanks for showing interest in Bangladesh.
I love Bangladesh!
I’m traveling to Dhaka next week and I’m researching how safe it is to go to Bangladesh alone. It’s comforting to read your article. Do you happen to have observed on what women wear to work/office? I have business meetings in Dhaka and would want to dress appropriately
Thank you!
Hi Kathleen. I’m too late in answering – apologies! I hope you found your way! Generally for readers to know though, it helps to cover your arms and legs – a loose top helps to not show curves. Shopping whilst there to fit in with the locals certainly helps :) Covering your head is up to you – it helped me to blend in and local women appreciated it. But it’s your choice.
Thanks For your true thoughts and long writing. I am in Bangladesh, I am a doctor. Bangladeshis feel proud to help others. Solo Female travel for foreigners are being safer day by day. Local police and administration took satisfactory steps to prevent bad occurings.
Hello Teacake! Love your name! Almighty bless you. For the first time, I read your feature. Amazing and inspiring. I am a Bangladeshi 25 aged Muslim Hizabi lady, staying in Dhaka city with my mommy. Many of the time we try to travel alone but time is not available for us and we stopped travelling almost. I see people roam around with friends and families. But I feel so unhappy sometimes, why I can’t go or travel again. I haven’t visited any places except Cox’s bazar, the longest sea beach, and when i read through your experiences of solo traveling in Bangladesh, that is just regretting why i couldn’t go with you! I wish! I could explore Bangladesh, where I am born. Probably, next time or never. Thanks a heaven by the way, for visiting our Green enchanted Bangladesh and of course I wish to meet you next time :) Break a leg! Take care :)
Hello lovely Mouroza! It’s great to hear from a Bangladeshi lady who is feeling so inspired to travel and see more of her home country! I hope that you and your Mother can travel again soon – and if you wish for it – for you to travel solo. I am slowly seeing more and more local women travel Bangladesh alone. Stay strong and stay determined. Your country has so much for the eyes to see. Best wishes, Alice.
Hello Alice…I really loved reading your piece. Please help me. What should I do for my first steps to get in Bangladesh? It’s my first time to travel so far. I’ve chosen Dhaka bangladesh as my first step. I really appreciate your reply. Shandy from the Philippines.
Hi Shandy. I recommend you start thinking about your travel dates and make sure that you can get a visa. A visa is required for Phillipines passport holders to visit Bangladesh. iVisa are brilliant and will help you with everything.
Wow.. well written.. volunteers to guide you people wanna visit Bangladesh :)
After reading this article i will definitely visit Bangladesh. Thanks for great share.
That’s great to hear Cring! It’s a fascinating place to visit!
I currently live in Delhi and am considering a trip up to Bangladesh. I haven’t heard much about traveling there. Thanks for writing this!
Cool! Hope you make it there Kristin!
I’ve been to Dhaka, Bangladesh 8 times now. It isn’t for the timid but well worth it if you are looking to fully immerse yourself into a wonderful culture! I’m a Nurse Practitioner with a MSN but that role isn’t established in Bangladesh, or I’d love to spend longer and work there. Maybe someday :)
Thanks for your good writing with good thought.Hope you have mix with rural people that love and respect foreigner. Also you have represent our country with solo traveler who are interested in our Bangladesh. Thanks again. If you need any kind of help traveling in our country so you may contact with me i will like to help without any cost because i love my country i want that it will best travel place one day.
Thank you for your kind words Joy!
Hello Alice! It’s such a good feeling to see my country on your travel blog. I would love to meet and company you if you visit here again. Take love.
You write the almost actual condition for a solo traveler who want to visit Bangladesh alone, I just found your travel article when i was tried to write a article about community tourism in our country , Thanks for sharing your experience in to the world .
Alice what a remarkable report on Bangladesh. Its so amazing to see alot of Brits (not the ones whose parents are from Bangladesh) visit the country.
Really I appreciate you you are very brave….. Thanks for Sharing your experience….
Solo Female travel for foreigners are being safer day by day. Local police and administration took satisfactory steps to prevent bad occurring.